Safely Parking

Shuttle parking | Outside

Please call the provider 30 minutes before your arrival to confirm your arrival time. Then drive to the airport. After a brief inspection of your vehicle, the employee will take your vehicle to the parking area. Please record the mileage of your vehicle! During your trip, your car will be stored at Düsseldorfer Straße 14, Eschborn 65760.
Return journey
When you return, please inform the parking provider as soon as you are at baggage claim so that the parking provider can organize your transfer to the vehicle. Your vehicle will then be driven to the departure terminal Terminal 1 B6 or Terminal 2 E8 within a few minutes and handed over to you personally.
Important information
Safely Parking is there for you around the clock. In principle, a service employee is always available. With the parking lot close to the airport, the parking provider is always quick and flexible. This means you can always react to cancellations or delays. Safely Parking offers you parking spaces in an outdoor area.
Select date
25. Feb. 12:00 — 04. März 12:00
Alles sehr gut geklappt und verlaufen!! Abhol
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