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Planning your Travel: The Best Time to Arrive at the Airport
5 min read

Planning your Travel: The Best Time to Arrive at the Airport

Airlines often recommend arriving at the airport three hours prior to international flights and two hours for domestic ones. However, this might not always be necessary. Depending on factors such as your airline, the airport, and whether you have checked luggage, you might be able to arrive closer to your departure time. If you’ve already checked in online and don’t have bags to drop off, you might not need to arrive as early as suggested. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to account for travel time to the airport and potential traffic delays when planning your departure from home.

International vs. Domestic Flights

When planning your airport arrival time, it’s essential to differentiate between international and domestic flights. International flights generally require an earlier arrival due to their extended boarding processes. Boarding for these flights often begins 40 to 50 minutes before departure. In contrast, domestic flights usually start boarding just 15 minutes before departure. Once boarding begins, check-in closes, so arriving before this is crucial.

If you’re not concerned about overhead compartment space or have a small bag that fits under the seat, you might risk arriving closer to boarding time. However, this means you might end up storing your bag at your feet rather than in the overhead bin. Whether you choose to arrive just before boarding ends depends on your comfort with this arrangement.

Bags or no bags

If you’re traveling without checked luggage and have already completed online check-in, you can often arrive later at the airport—about an hour before departure. You’ll head straight to security and then to your gate. However, if you need to check in bags, it’s wise to arrive an additional hour early to account for potential lines at the check-in counters, applicable to both international and domestic flights.

Getting through security

Your timing also depends on how quickly you can get through security. Arriving an hour before your flight might still result in missing it if security lines are long. Priority or pre-check status can expedite this process, but not everyone has this. It’s important to gauge the expected crowd at your airport.

For international flights, don’t forget that immigration can add significant time. Depending on the airport, you might need an extra 45 minutes just for this process. Thus, arriving three hours before your flight could be a prudent choice.

Additionally, large airports can be daunting. Even if you clear security on time, getting to your gate might take longer than expected. Gates often close before departure time, so leaving it until the last minute could result in missing your flight.

Time to Arrive at the Airport

What should you do?

At the end of the day, it’s entirely up to you. But, as there are many variables to think about, if you want a stress-free airport experience, then arriving a little early is vastly better. Erring on the side of caution when it comes to queue length, travel time, security processes and so on, is always best. Don’t miss your flight simply because you don’t want to wait too long in the