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KC Premium Parking (EU)

KC Premium Parking (EU) Logo
KC Premium Parking (EU)

Shuttle parking | Outside

Parking lot location: Bukowska 156, 60-198 Poznań
Airport address: ul. Bukowska 285, 60-189 Poznań

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02. Apr. 12:00  —  09. Apr. 12:00

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Important information

Are you looking for a secure indoor parking location less then 5 minutes away from Poznań-Henryk Wieniawski Airport? Then KC Premium Parking is the location for you!
KC Premium Parking offers an indoor, gated, CCTV monitored parking location that's 2 kilometers from Poznań Airport. During your trip, you can be assured that your car is in good care!

How does the service from KC Premium Parking work?

On the day of your trip, you can drive to the location of KC Premium Parking. You can drive into the parking garage and go to the -2 level. Here you can park your car and the KC Premium Parking shuttlebus will take you to the airport. (If you have trouble finding the location, check out the video in the confirmation email)

On return, please call KC Premium Parking when you have all your luggage. The shuttlebus will pick you up on the same location as where you were dropped of. After a short right, you are back at your car and you can continue your journey

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